Magistical Memories who makes the most awesome chipboard for scrapbooking, ask to use my Bench Warmer layout on their blog!!
So my little Britton is up on Magistical Memories Blog!! Go Check it out!!!
Oh the freedom that comes from authenticity. To have truth in your inward parts (Psalm 51:6) and to clothe yourself with that truth!
In other words, peace on the inside, peace on the outside; honesty on the inside, honesty on the outside; flaws on the inside, flaws on the outside; tenderness on the inside, tenderness on the outside. I’ve often sneered at hypocrisy-because it’s a misrepresentation of someone’s real, inside self. I regret the times I've participated in that kind of insincerity in my own life. But, to me the real reason for my sadness over hypocrisy is the loss of that person’s real self. The hypocrite lives a life of slow disintegration-slowly crumbling. They think they will find the substance of their life in the “froth” as Murton put it. May we all be fully God conscious and reasonably self aware to remain integrated.